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今日俺のMegami Magazineが届いてきた!今月と古いの発行ほしかったから、で注文した。秋葉原のK-Booksで探したんけど、見付からなかった。(でもこれが手に入った!あぁ、関羽最高!)

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え?なにこれ、一日間でアップデートは2回?ええ、見たとおりだよ!先のサイトのテーマがいろいろに役立たなかったから変更した。 どう?似合う?嫌ったら、俺に気にしないから我慢して。

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「どうしてそんなに長い休みしたんだか?」って聞いてるんだろう? まっ、実は一月ポスト書いたんだけど、ウップロード前にあのポストの適当の写真もウップロードしたかった。でも、やる気がなんかなくなったから。こんなものが俺に英語でちょっとつまらないだ。そうして二月から今までずっと日本語能力試験2級の文字と語意と文法を勉強していた。毎日一日数時で。週末も。漢字が分かるのは好きになったから、あんまり大変じゃなかった。けどさぁ、勉強してもあまり使っていないが意味ないだろう? じゃ、使おうか?練習練習!

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Hey, more slow updated excuses!

I kind of wanted to make this update a video update, becuase text is so 1983 and people upload much worse stuff to Youtube. But it would just be me in my room and I think that’d be kind of somewhere. I know once I get over the initial inertia they’ll just roll out, but hey.

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I’ve not updated in a while, mainly because everything here in Tokyo was going wrong, and I didn’t want to make a whinge post. However, things are taking a different spin, so whether or not they turn out for the best remains to be seen.

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So I’ve decided to drop the Heisig method from my Kanji curriculum.

The problem may be that I’ve already got several hundered kanji under my belt and having to learn them again under this new method isn’t particularly appealing. It may be that because I’m in Japan I don’t really need to take this method given that I’m surrounded by Kanji everywhere. Or it could be that he very often gives kanji keywords that have nothing to do with their real meanings (“but of course”? I’ll of course your butt in a minute, seriously).

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So it’s Saturday morning… well actually, it’s Saturday afternoon but I just woke up… anyway, I had some plans on going to Akihabara and spending until I could spend no more, but unfortunately for the rest of the week I’m going to be confined to my room, except when part time work calls.

The reason for this? The Australian Dollar. Here, let’s look at a graph.

Yen for 1 AUD

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So it looks like my prospects of getting a job are much higher than I thought, but a different problem has come up that could really impede my ability to stay longer than one and a half years.

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So, after spending two months in my apartment, I’ve decided to start looking for a job.

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I was planning on taking a bunch of pictures to show you guys where I lived, but then I figured why bother when I can get google street view to do that for me?

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